Two DePaul students wearing sunglasses work with shovels in a community garden in early spring. 

Photo by Quentin Blais, DePaul Journalism.

Photo by Quentin Blais / DePaul Journalism

Sustainability at DePaul is a collective effort of students, faculty, staff, alumni, and community partners. Guided by Just DePaul, an initiative of DePaul University’s Division of Mission and Ministry, we are committed to learning about sustainability and implementing more socially and environmentally just practices on our campus and beyond. Join us!

How we understand sustainability

We affirm the interdependence of natural and social systems. Being sustainable means acting in ways that respect the Earth’s ecological limits and promoting environmental and humanitarian justice. It is critical that we acknowledge past injustices and unsustainable practices in order to shape a way forward from within the current escalating crises.

Watch DePaul faculty and staff reflect on Pope Francis’ Laudato Sí, in which the Pope makes a passionate plea for climate action. The Pope’s belief that we “must integrate questions of justice in debates on the environment, so as to hear both the cry of the earth and the cry of the poor” (Laudato Sí, 14) gives a powerful animating vision to sustainability action at DePaul.